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Establishment of Youth League Organi...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

Division of the Leadership Group of ...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25




Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection

Xia Xuecang

Take charge of the work of Committee for Discipline Inspection of the college, be responsible for improving Party conduct and upholding integrity, anti-corruption work, and the construction of work-style of college cadres.

Deputy Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection

Li Runhong

Assist the secretary to be responsible for improving Party conduct and upholding integrity, handling of letters and visits, and handling of discipline violation, and be responsible for the education of discipline and rules for party members and cadres, and the construction of study style.

Member of Committee for Discipline Inspection

Xi Zenglei

Be responsible for the education of teachers’ morality and style, and the construction of academic style.

Division of the Leadership Group of ...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25




Contact Branch

Secretary of the party committee

Jin Tianxing

The overall work of the School CPC committee

CPC Branch of Teachers and Students of the Regional Economics Institute
First Branch of Undergraduates CPC

Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee

Cheng Xinxuan

Assist in the work of CPC's leadership over talents.

CPC Branch of Teachers and Students of the Japan Institute
CPC Branch of Teachers of the Department of International Economics and Trade

Xia Xuecang

Assist the secretary to be responsible for the daily work of the School’s CPC committee, and concurrently serve as the secretary of the School’s Committee for Discipline Inspection and organization committee member.

CPC Branch of Administrative
Second CPC Branch of Undergraduates

Member of the CPC Committee

Zhu Changcun

Member of the United Front Line

CPC Branch of Teachers of Department of Statistics
Second CPC Branch of Postgraduates

Ma Wenxiu

Member of Youth League Committee

CPC Branch of Teachers and Students of the Department of Economics
First CPC Branch of Postgraduates

Liu Yang

Member of the Secrecy Committee

CPC Branch of Teachers of the Financial Department
Fourth CPC Branch of Postgraduates

Tang Wen

Commissary in Charge of Publicity

CPC Branch of Teachers and Students of the Population Research Institute
Third CPC Branch of Postgraduates

2021 The Acceptance of Exam-Free Can...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

Ⅰ. Enrollment Categories and Majors

There are two types of exam-free candidates: master students and direct doctoral students;the table below shows specific majors and planned quantity




Study Mode



Direct Doctoral Student


Applied Economics



Yaoling Hu


Linchang Zheng

Master Student


Political Economy





World Economy





Western Economics





Population, Resource and Environment Economics





National Economics





Regional Economics










International Trade





Labor Economics










Applied Statistics





International Business















Population Science




Ⅱ. Enrollment Conditions

1. Fresh graduates who have obtained qualifications of exempting from admission exam from the undergraduate college, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political direction, love the motherland, volunteer to serve the socialist modernization, abide by the law, and have good conduct.

2. Students who have excellent grades, came out top in their majors in the university, have a solid foundation, are interested in scientific research, and have a strong sense of innovation and scientific research capabilities. Obtain a bachelor’s degree certificate and an undergraduate diploma before September 1, 2021.

3. Honest and trustworthy, with good academic style, no record of cheating on exams, plagiarizing academic achievements of others, and other violations of laws and disciplines.

4. Physical and mental health.

5. Students who have obtained qualifications of exempting from admission exam of academic degree can apply to directly study for a doctoral degree. In addition to meeting the above conditions, all examination subjects must be passed during the university. In principle, the English proficiency should meet the following conditions: CET6≥430 or IELTS≥6.0 or TOEFL≥ 90.

For specific enrollment procedures and methods, please refer to “2021 Working Measures for the Acceptance of Exam-Free Candidates (including Master Students and Direct Doctoral students) of Hebei University”(http://yjsy.hbu.edu.cn/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=13&id=252)

Ⅲ. Scholarship and Grants

1. The school has established a “special scholarship for exam-free candidates of academic degree”, and full-time exam-free candidates of academic degree and direct doctoral students enjoy this policy. Exam-free candidates from the “double first-class” colleges and universities and Hebei University accepted by our school will receive a scholarship of 30,000 yuan per student; for other exam-free candidates will receive a scholarship of 15,000 yuan per student. It is issued annually, and 1/3 of the total scholarship will be granted to each student at the end of October each year, and this will be completed within the academic system. The specific implementation measures can be found on the website of the Graduate School of Hebei University.

2. Exam-free candidates can get the first-class academic scholarship established by our school, which is 10,000 yuan per year for doctoral students and 8,000 yuan per year for master students. And they can enjoy the national grants, the amount is 13,000 yuan per year for doctors and 6,000 yuan per year for masters.

3. The school has also established a “Graduate Innovation Funding Project” to encourage and support graduate students to study hard, concentrate on scientific research, and make more high-level achievements.

Ⅳ. Direct Doctoral Students

Direct doctoral students refer to graduate students who are selected from excellent fresh graduates with qualifications of exempting from admission exam of academic degree to directly study for a doctoral degree.

Direct doctoral students will obtain a doctoral status after enrollment, with a five-year schooling period. The first stage is the preparatory doctoral stage, which lasts for 2 years; the second stage is the doctoral stage, which lasts for 3 years. Direct doctoral students must complete the required courses of the training program and meet the required credits within the first two years; in the third year, they must participate in the mid-term assessment of direct doctoral students organized by the school and complete the doctoral report. If students cannot complete their studies on time due to objective reasons, they can apply for an extension of the length of study, but the maximum length of study at the school shall not exceed 8 years. For details, please refer to “Administrative Measures for Directly Studying Doctoral Degree Students of Hebei University (Interim) School Research Word [2019] No. 11”.

Ⅴ. Contact Information

Tel: 0312-5073185, Mr. Zhang

Email: jingji5073185@126.com


2021 Detailed Rules of the School of...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

According to the “Management Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of Students in Master-Doctoral Program of Hebei University (Revised)” (Xiaozhengzi [2020] No. 34), in accordance with the school's doctoral enrollment work schedule, the 2021 Detailed Rules of the School of Economics on the Selection of Students in Master-Doctoral Program are as follows:

Ⅰ. Basic Principles

1. Adhere to the principles of “comprehensive evaluation of morality, intelligence, and physique, quality first, admission based on the best, rather than abuse” and “justice, fairness, and openness”.

2. Master-doctoral program are an important part of the selection of doctoral candidates. Our school only selects students in Master-Doctoral Program on campus. After admission, they must study for doctoral degree in this school and cannot apply for doctoral candidates from other universities.

3. The selection of Students in master-doctoral program should be conducted in disciplines that have the right to confer doctoral degrees. In principle, the selection of students in master-doctoral program in first-level disciplines.

Ⅱ. Selection Scope

The 2018 and 2019 grades will recruit academic master in similar majors in economics, and the entrance examination will be unified examination or exam-free recommendation, excluding students who have equal education and take separate examinations.

Ⅲ. Application Conditions (must be met at the same time)

1. Fresh graduates who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political direction, love the motherland, volunteer to serve the socialist modernization, abide by the law, and have good conduct.

2. There must be at least two written recommendations from experts in the field of study applied for.

3. The course study is progressing well, basically completing learning tasks of master's courses, with excellent grades.

4. Have a strong interest in scientific research, have a rigorous scientific research attitude, strong comprehensive analytical capabilities, innovative and independent scientific research capabilities, and have team spirit (under the same conditions, those who have published high-level academic papers are preferred).

5. Physical and mental health.

6. No disciplinary action during the school.

7. In principle, students who have scores above 425 (including 425 points) in CET-6.

Ⅳ. Quota Allocation

According to the principle of quota allocation of our school, in principle, the School of Economics selects 6 students from the master-doctoral program enrollment plan in the first-level disciplines, for a total of 6 students.

Ⅴ. Selection Rules

The registration and selection procedures are in accordance with the relevant provisions of the school's “Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Selection of Students in Master-Doctoral Program of Hebei University in 2021”. The detailed rules are as follows:

1. Requirements for the Supervisor Receiving Doctoral Students

The doctoral supervisor who plans to accept the students in master-doctoral program must have a provincial or social science level or above project under research. If the receiving supervisor agrees to accept the enrolled student, move on to the next step.

2. Requirements for Students Applying for Master-Doctoral Program

2.1 Students should pass the attendance assessment, have excellent academic performance, have no make-up exam and retake record during postgraduate study. The academic performance of the class with more than 15 students will be selected within 20%, and the academic performance of the class with less than 15 students will be selected according to the top three.

2.2 The enrolled students need to be recommended by a master supervisor of this major and the doctoral supervisor who are planning to accept. If the student’s supervisor and the doctoral supervisor to be accepted are the same person, they can be recommended by other supervisors of the same major.

2.3 Students who have published academic papers during school are preferred.

3. Selection Method

A quantitative scoring method is adopted and a hundred-point system is implemented, in which academic performance accounts for 30%, and scientific research achievements (including papers, works, topics, and academic achievements) account for 70%.

3.1 Scoring method for academic performance

The academic performance is ranked first in the major, which counts 100 points; rank second, counts 95 points; ranks third, counts 90 points; by analogy, for every drop in the ranking, 5 points are correspondingly reduced.

3.2 Scoring method for scientific research achievements (including books, textbooks, academic papers, topics, and academic awards)

3.2.1 In terms of works and teaching materials: 30 points for authors who participate in Type I publishing houses, and 20 points for authors who participate in Type II publishing houses (the results are subject to the accreditation of the college). The scoring of multiple works is decremented according to the scoring standard of the paper.

3.2.2 Academic papers:

Each student is limited to 5 papers. Students are awarded 100 points a paper for the first author’s paper published in the first category journals, 80 points a paper for the first author’s paper published in the second category journals, and 60 points a paper for the first author’s paper published in the third category journals. 30 points a paper for the students who publish a paper as the first author in four types of journals. 20 points a paper for the students who publish a paper as the first author in general journals, no more accumulation. The supervisor is the first author and the student is the second author will be regarded as the first author.

More than 2 academic papers (including 2 papers), the score of the second paper *80%, and it is continuously reduced to 20%, no more accumulation.

The scores for the second and third authors are 60% and 20% of the first author, and the fourth and subsequent authors are not scored. The publication or proof must be presented, and the notification of the use of the manuscript is not counted.

    Publications published in low-quality journals will no longer be counted, and publications that are not related to majors will not be counted.

3.2.3 Hosting and participating in the project

Each student is limited to 5 items, 80 points for the national level, 50 points for the provincial and ministerial levels, 30 points for the department and bureau levels, regardless of ranking. It is based on the project approval application and the certificate of completion. If the project results have the name of the supervisor, the name of the author, and the project issue numbers, they can also be included in the project. Supporting materials need to be signed by the project leader and confirmed by the seal of the research institution of the academy.

Horizontal subjects ≥ 82,400 are counted at the provincial level. School-level topics are counted at the department level. The project hosted by students only counts as the host, and the project is subject to completion (the postgraduate innovation funding projects recommended by the 2020 review will not be used as the basis for identification in this award).

There are more than 2 items (including 2 items) and the score of the second item *80%, and it is continuously reduced to 20%, no more accumulation.

3.2.4 Academic awards

Provincial and ministerial level (including national-level societies) and above academic awards count 60 points, and department-level (including provincial-level societies) count 30 points. School-level counts 20 points. Encouragement awards and excellence awards are not counted, and the award certificate shall prevail. The same achievement wins different levels of awards, and the highest score is counted; the first award for multiple awards is 100%, the second *80%, and it is continuously reduced to 20%, no more accumulation.

3.2.5 The weights of textbooks, academic papers, topics, and academic awards are 40%, 40%, and 20% respectively. Scientific research achievement score = book textbook and academic paper score * 0.4 + topic score * 0.4 + academic award score * 0.2.

3.3 Total evaluation score = academic performance score * 0.3 + total score of scientific research results * 0.7, the first unit of all achievements is Hebei University, other units are not counted.

The scientific research results of second-year graduate students are counted by the above-mentioned standard multiplied 1.5.

3.4 The calculating formula of total evaluation score = academic score * 0.3 + total score of scientific research results * 0.7.

4. Steps to Determine the List

4.1 The qualification examination panel of subject experts will quantify scores and determine the list of reexaminations in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules of the school and the college, and in accordance with paragraph (3) of the selection method.

4.2 The college's graduate enrollment work leadership team determines the reexamination method according to the actual situation of the enrollment subject and major, and assess the professional ability of the candidates who enter the reexamination stage. The content includes three aspects: foreign language proficiency, professional knowledge and comprehensive ability, and comprehensive assessment of students' subject background, professional quality, foreign language proficiency, thinking ability, innovation ability, operation skills, etc. Reexamination scores are based on a 100-point system. Applicants whose scores are less than 60 points are considered unqualified.

4.3 For eligible students and supervisors, the assessment team will hold a comprehensive evaluation meeting to determine the final candidates for admission.

Ⅵ. Schedule

1. Complete personal application before 4 p.m. on November 8, 2020. The applicants who apply for doctoral major must submit the application materials required by the college:

1.1 One copy of “Application Form for Students in Master-Doctoral Program of Hebei University” (see Attachment 1);

1.2 Copy of valid ID card;

1.3 A copy of the transcript for undergraduate and master's level (it must be stamped with the official seal of the academic record management department of the college or school);

1.4 At least one of the following English test scores in the past three years: TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, College English Test Band 4 or 6, Test for English Majors, WSK (PETS 5), and other proof of English competence materials as a supplement;

1.5 Supporting materials like certificates of awards, published academic papers, patents obtained and other original research results;

1.6 Application for recommendation letters from two experts in the professional field (with senior professional titles) (submitted after being sealed);

1.7 A study plan during the doctoral study period (not less than 4000 words, the admission college can make specific requirements).

1.8 “School of Economics 2021 Master-Doctoral Scoring List” is printed in A3, and the electronic version will be sent to the mailbox jingji5073185@126.com before 3 p.m. on November 7th.

2. On November 9, 2020, the college formed a qualification examination panel of subject experts consisting of no less than 5 doctoral supervisors. According to the application materials submitted by the applicant, a preliminary selection will be conducted on the qualifications, basic qualities and scientific research potential of the applicant. The results of the preliminary selection and the basic intentions of the enrollment supervisor will be combined to propose a list of candidates entering the reexamination stage. The reexamination list will be publicized on the college homepage.

3. On November 11, 2020, the postgraduate enrollment team of the school will determine the reexamination method according to the actual situation of the enrollment subject and major, and assess the professional ability of the candidates who enter the reexamination stage. The content includes three aspects: foreign language proficiency, professional knowledge and comprehensive ability, and comprehensive assessment of students' subject background, professional quality, foreign language proficiency, thinking ability, innovation ability, operation skills, etc.

Ⅶ. Miscellaneous

All master's programs should attach great importance to the recommendation and mobilization of students in master-doctoral program, strictly check the assessment, and earnestly select top innovative talents to improve the quality of the source of doctoral students in our school, so as to lay a solid foundation for improving the quality of doctoral student training in our school.

For the process of cultivation and management of students in master-doctoral program, and other requirements, please refer to the “Management Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of Students in Master-Doctoral Program of Hebei University (Revised)” (Xiaozhengzi [2020] No.34) and other relevant school documents for implementation.

In case of special circumstances, the college degree committee will make a ruling and submit it to the party and government joint committee for research and approval.

These rules shall be interpreted by the School of Economics.


                                              The School of Economics

November 4, 2020


The Theoretical Study Center Group o...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

On the morning of November 19, the theoretical study center group of the party Committee of the school of economics (expanded) carried out the seventh collective study. College leaders, all Party committee members, discipline inspection commission members, Party branch secretaries and section leaders participated in the study. Collective learning is presided over by Party Secretary Jin Tianxing. Zhu Changcun, member of the Party Committee and vice president of the school, conveyed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on postgraduate education, Premier Li Keqiang's instructions and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan's speech at the National Postgraduate Education Conference, and introduced the relevant requirements of the National and Hebei Postgraduate Education Conference. He focused on "Opinions on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Postgraduate Education in the New Era" and "Several Opinions on Further Strictly Regulating the Quality Management of Degree and Postgraduate Education" by the Ministry of Education. We also collectively studied the Code of Conduct for Guiding Postgraduate Tutors just issued by the Ministry of Education in the meeting. It is required that all departments, schools and academic leaders should do a good job in the study and implementation of the guidelines according to the actual construction of the postgraduate tutor team in their own units, and combine with the ongoing discussion on the comprehensive reform of postgraduate education, so that all employees can know, accurately understand and strictly implement them. Participants exchanged their learning experiences and discussed how to promote the high-quality development of postgraduate education.

The Party Committee of the School Ca...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

On the morning of June 18th, the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee of our School (expanded) carried out the fourth collective study. Members of the college leadership team, Party branch secretaries, all section-level cadres and the chairman of the college trade union participated in the study.

Jin Tianxing, secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the collective study and gave a special party class with the title of "Doing a Good Job of 'Six Fronts', Implementation 'Six Securities', and Making Overall Plans to Grasp Employment and Resumption of School". Jin Tianxing took the lead in learning the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the two sessions, analyzed the relationship between "six fronts" and "six securities" from their background, and shared his learning experience in combination with the current three key tasks of school epidemic prevention and control, graduate employment and returning to school. He pointed out that the complicated employment situation this year has brought great challenges to graduation employment. The college and all teachers would attach great importance on employment from the overall perspective of improving the quality of personnel training and the effectiveness of running schools, creating new opportunities in the crisis, opening new bureaus in the changing situation, involving all employees, taking the initiative and implementing them in detail, so as to ensure that the employment rate of graduates is not lower than that of the same period of last year and Hubei graduates are higher than the average employment level of schools, striving to minimize the impact of the epidemic on graduates' employment.

Xia Xuecang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, gave a special micro-party class on the topic of "Correctly Understanding the Importance of Ideology and Doing a Good Job in Ideological Work". He first took the lead in learning General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities, reviewed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on ideological work, and gave an in-depth explanation in combination with the relevant documents of the school on the implementation of the responsibility system for ideological work. At the same time, he introduced the special self-examination of ideological work in the school.

After the party class, Jin Tianxing explained the Ministry of Education's "Four Ones Action Plan for Strengthening Grassroots Party Building in Colleges and Universities in the Prevention and Control of Normalized Epidemic Situation", and make arrangements for the implementation of our school, requiring all branches to combine their own work characteristics, adopt flexible and diverse forms to implement the "Four Ones" actions, and guide party members and activists to achieve continuous theoretical study and ideological exchange during the epidemic prevention and control period.

Party Committee Theory Study Center Group Collective Study.  

Party Secretary Jin Tianxing, talked about the "Four Ones" action micro-party class.   

Xia Xuecang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice president, talked about the special micro-party class.

The School of Economics of Hebei uni...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

On November 13, the seminar on "National First-class Major Construction" sponsored by the School of Economics of our school was successfully held in the library of Qiyi Road Campus of Hebei University. Professor Zhang Zhiyuan, member of the Teaching Steering Committee for Finance Majors in Higher Colleges of the Ministry of Education, and Professor Zhang Feng, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Hebei University, attended the seminar and delivered speeches. Professor Zhang Zhiyuan, Professor Wang Zhongrun, Professor Luo Liangqing and Professor Cao Jinglin, members of Finance and Statistics of the Higher Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education, attended the seminar and made special reports. Researcher Song Hui of Hebei Provincial Bureau of Statistics also present the seminar, and more than 50 experts and scholars from more than a dozen universities including North China Electric Power University, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Agricultural University and Hebei Finance University. The seminar was presided over by Cheng Xinxuan, abbot of the School of Economics of Hebei University, Yin Chengyuan and Zhu Changcun, vice president of the school.

Professor Zhang Zhiyuan, a member of the Financial Education Committee, pointed out in his special report that undergraduate education is the foundation of a university. He exchanged views on the goal of building a national first-class undergraduate major and how to build a distinctive first-class undergraduate major. Professor Wang Zhongrun gave a special report with the theme of "Thinking on the Training of New Financial Talents and the Construction of First-class Undergraduate major", The report introduces in detail the seven characteristics of the national first-class undergraduate major, and puts forward constructive suggestions on the curriculum construction and faculty team construction in the construction of the national first-class financial major in combination with the characteristics of financial professional personnel training in Hebei University of Economics and Business. On behalf of Hebei University, Director Zhang Feng thanked the experts for their arrival and support, and made a report on the development of Hebei University as a "Ministry-Province Joint Construction" university in recent years and the construction of national first-class majors and specialties, pointing out that the university will concentrate on continuously promoting the construction of first-class majors. He also congratulated the School of Economics on successfully approving the two national first-class majors of "Finance" and "Economic Statistics". Professor Luo Liangqing, a member of the Statistics Teaching Committee, put forward guiding ideas for the requirements of national first-class major construction combined with the experience of statistics major construction in Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, emphasizing the importance of curriculum construction, serving local areas and training double-qualified teachers; Professor Cao Jinglin reported and exchanged on the construction of the first-class major in economic statistics in Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, providing valuable opinions and direction guidance for the later professional construction in our university.

In the afternoon, two sub forums of Finance and economic statistics carried out the discussion at the same time. Professor Hu Haifeng of Beijing Normal University made an in-depth analysis on the construction of national first-class majors in finance, and exchanged views with the characteristics of the construction of first-class majors in Beijing Normal University. Professor Kang Shusheng, the leader of finance major in Hebei University, Professor Zhu Changcun, Vice President of the School of Economics, and Professor Jin Jian respectively exchanged reports on the construction of first-class undergraduate majors in finance and economic statistics major in Hebei University and the cultivation of talents' practical ability. Guo Jing, director of the Finance Department of Hebei Finance University, gave a detailed experience introduction on the construction of the first-class course "Financial Marketing". Teachers from other brother colleges and universities have conducted in-depth discussions on the personnel training mode, the construction of first-class teaching teams, the construction of "five major" golden courses, the construction of high-quality textbooks, practical teaching and the integration of production and education and school-enterprise cooperation in the construction of first-class undergraduate majors in finance and economic statistics under the background of "new liberal arts". Professor Cao Jinglin of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics commented on the speeches of the participants, In-depth exchanges were conducted on how to solve the short-board problems faced by the current discipline construction and promote interdisciplinary integration, with special emphasis on forming joint efforts of discipline construction and promoting the continuous improvement of discipline level by highlighting characteristics, relying on discipline construction and integrating big data.

Through the discussion and exchange of this conference, Everyone fully realized the importance and sense of mission of the construction of "national first-class undergraduate major", and said that they would take the construction of "Double Ten Thousand Plan" of first-class specialty and first-class course as an opportunity to continuously improve their professional level and personnel training ability, and make unremitting efforts to comprehensively revitalize the undergraduate education of Hebei University and promote the school to become a high-level university.                                          

The Hebei Blockchain Alliance was Fo...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

On September 23, the Hebei Blockchain Alliance Founding Conference was successfully held at the Shijiazhuang International Conference and Exhibition Center. Ge Huibo, vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of the Hebei Academy of Sciences, Deng Peiran, deputy secretary of Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and mayor, and Zhang Ping, chief engineer of Office of the Hebei Cyberspace Affairs Commission, attended the meeting.

The Hebei Blockchain Alliance was initiated by the Hebei Academy of Sciences. Under the guidance of Office of the Hebei Cyberspace Affairs Commission, with the vigorous cooperation of Shijiazhuang Provincial People’s Government, with the support of Hebei Education Department, Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Industry and Information Technology Department of Hebei Province, Hebei Provincial Department of Justice, Hebei Provincial Department of Finance, Audit Office of Hebei, Hebei Administration for Market Regulation, and Hebei Association for Science and Technology, together with domestic and foreign colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, institutions, organizations, associations and other organizations that are interested in the development of blockchain, to jointly build an exchange and sharing platform of blockchain technology innovation and industrial development.

To implement the spirit of the “1024” General Secretary Xi’s important speech on the development of blockchain and the requirements of national strategic deployment, on July 20, 2020, the School of Economics of Hebei University and Xinhuanet and MOAC (blockchain) technology companies jointly formed“The Blockchain Industry Innovation Research Center of Hebei University”. It has become the first blockchain industry innovation research institution in universities in Hebei Province. And it will play its due role in innovative applications of the blockchain industry in Hebei Province. After Hebei Blockchain Alliance was established, Professor Li Ganshun of our school appointed as a member of the Alliance Expert Advisory Committee and concurrently as the director of the "Blockchain Industry Innovation Application Committee” He was also invited to attend the “Hebei Science Innovation Forum” at the founding meeting of the alliance. Three experts, including Li Ganshun, Liu Mingsheng, and Xu Hongwei, gave a wonderful “Roundtable Dialogue” on the topic of “Building a Blockchain Industry Ecosystem to Promote Hebei’s High-Quality Development”.


The International Seminar on High-qu...
浏览次数:    2021-09-25

On October 31st, the International Seminar on High-quality Development of China's Regional Economy under the Belt and Road Initiative was successfully held in Lecture Hall 209 of the New Library of Qiyi Road Campus of Hebei University, and the online part of the conference was held simultaneously on Tencent Conference Platform. The opening ceremony of the seminar was presided over by Yin Chengyuan, vice president of the School of Economics of Hebei University. Chen Hongjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of Hebei University, and Cheng Xinxuan, abbot of the School of Economics attended the seminar and delivered opening speeches. Dong Yan, researcher of the Institute of World Economy and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Jin Tianxing, Secretary of the Party committee of the school of economics, Hebei University, Xia xuecang, deputy secretary of the Party committee and vice president of the school, and responsible comrades and professional teachers of relevant departments attended the opening ceremony offline and participated in relevant seminars.

Since the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward, the cooperation between China and other countries along the road has deepened day by day. This seminar invited 15 experts and scholars from home and abroad to discuss the theory and practice of regional economic development under the Belt and Road Initiative from the perspective of interdisciplinary, and make suggestions for realizing the high-quality development of regional economy.

After a brief opening ceremony, the first phase of the meeting officially began. The first phase was presided over by Professor Dong Yan, Director, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor of the International Trade Office of the World Economic and Political Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Professor Renuka Mahadevan from the University of Queensland, Australia, made an empirical study and analysis on "the impact of foreign direct investment on carbon emissions"; Professor Tong Jiadong, director of the Economics Academic Committee of Nankai University and deputy director of the Trade and Economics Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, expressed his views on double circulation and national economic security, which is thought-provoking; Professor Zhao Zhongxiu, president of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, chairman of the Economic and Trade Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, expressed his expectation for BRICS cooperation under the global changes; Researcher Li Xiangyang, Doctoral Supervisor and Dean of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave his own opinions on the path choice of high-quality development of "the belt and road initiative".

The second phase of the meeting was presided over by Professor Cheng Xinxuan, Abbot of School of Economics and Doctoral Supervisor of Hebei University. Vice President university of international business and economics, Government Special Allowance Expert of the State Council, and Professor distinguished professor Hong Junjie, "Changjiang Scholar" of the Ministry of Education, elaborated on the research on the "the belt and road initiative" trade and investment index; Professor Sheng Bin, Dean of the School of Economics of Nankai University, Member of the Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Distinguished Professor, a "Changjiang Scholar" of the Ministry of Education, and Doctoral Supervisor, expressed their views on the global economy and China's high-level opening up; Professor Song Hong, Deputy Director of the American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor, made a wonderful speech on China's choice of regional cooperation under the new situation; Professor Jiang Ping, a member of the Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and a doctoral supervisor, made a report from three aspects: paying attention to the added value of institutional departments, objectively interpreting GDP, and accurately judging the macroeconomic operation situation.

The third phase of the meeting was presided over by Professor Tu Xinquan, Dean and Doctoral Supervisor of China WTO Research Institute in University of International Business and Economics. Professor Park Sukjae, Minister of Circulation and Business Department of South Korea's Youshi University,  and Doctoral Supervisor, described the research and enlightenment of Xinji County's economic structure development from the background of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei; Professor Xiao Hongye, a member of the Appraisal Group of Applied Economics of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and a doctoral supervisor, carefully analyzed China's regional competitiveness, which was very convincing; Professor Qiu Dong, winner of the special allowance of the State Council, convener of the discipline evaluation statistics group of the National Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, and doctoral supervisor, believes that high-quality development means a higher-level market game; Professor Dong Yan, Director of the International Trade Office of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor, focused on the high-quality development of China's regional economy and the construction of institutional open highland.

The fourth phase of the meeting was presided over by Professor Ma Wenxiu, doctoral supervisor of Institute of Japanese Studies, School of Economics, Hebei University. Professor Tu Xinquan, Dean of China WTO Research Institute in university of international business and economics, published the connection between the Belt and Road Initiative construction and WTO reform; Professor Feng Yao from the University of West Virginia in the United States expressed the view of additive stochastic frontier with fixed effect; Professor Mi Jun, a member of the Chinese Democratic Progressive Party, deputy chairman of Sichuan University Branch and School of Economics of Sichuan University, made suggestions on the connotation, challenges and countermeasures of promoting the high-quality development of "the belt and road initiative".

In the question-and-answer session, the participants exchanged eagerly.

At the closing ceremony, Professor Cheng Xinxuan, Abbot of the School of Economics and Doctoral Supervisor of Hebei University, made a concluding speech on the tense and efficient meeting. The meeting was successfully concluded with warm applause.

Since General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "the belt and road initiative" in 2013, remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of "the belt and road initiative", which has injected new impetus into the economic and social development of countries and regions along the road and brought tangible benefits to the people of all countries along the road. In the post-epidemic era, the seminar was successfully held by combining online and offline, which is in line with the current background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control and economic development trend, and has played a positive role in promoting the joint construction of "the belt and road initiative" to continue to advance in the direction of high quality.

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