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Qingru Sun


Academic Degree



Lecturer(Professor in Hebei University)

Fields of Interest 

Complex network; Econophysics; Econometrics; Economic network; Systemic Risk and Stability; Energy Economics





09/201107/2015 B.S. in Information Management and Information System; Hebei University

08/201808/2019 Visiting Scholor in the University of Florida

09/201506/2020 Ph.D in Management Science and Engineering; China University of Geosciences, Beijing



09/2020Present: Lecturer(Professor in Hebei University) in Department of Economics, Hebei University



Microeconomics; Application of Statistical Software; Analysis of regional complex economic system; Frontier of Economics.



Complex network; Econophysics; Econometrics; Economic network; Systemic Risk and Stability; Energy Economics.



[1] Qingru Sun, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao, et al. Effects of crude oil shocks on the PPI system based on variance decomposition network analysis[J]. Energy, 2019, 189:116378. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116378. 

[2] Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Haizhong An, et al. Which time-frequency domain dominates spillover in the Chinese energy stock market?[J]. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101641. 

[3] Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Ze Wang, et al. Quantifying the risk of price fluctuations based on weighted Granger causality networks of consumer price indices: evidence from G7 countries[J]. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2020, 15:821-844. DOI: 10.1007/s11403-019-00273-2. 

[4] Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Shaobo Wen, et al. Modeling the impulse response complex network for studying the fluctuation transmission of price indices[J], Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2019,14:835-838. DOI: 10.1007/s11403-018-0231-x. 

[5] Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Shaobo Wen, et al. The transmission of fluctuation among price indices based on Granger causality network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 506(2018):36-49. 

[6] Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Weiqiong Zhong, et al. The stability of the international oil trade network from short-term and long-term perspectives. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 482(2017):345-356.

[7] Yu Hui, Yinghui Ding, Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao. Multi-scale comovement of the dynamic correlations between copper futures and spot prices[J]. Resources Policy, 2020.

[8] Sufang An; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Feng An; Qingru Sun; Siyao Liu. Windowed volatility spillover effects among crude oil prices. Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.117521.

[9] Huiling Zheng; Xiangyun Gao; Qingru Sun; Xiaodan Han; Ze Wang. The impact of regional industrial structure differences on carbon emission differences in China: An evolutionary perspective. Journal of Clearner Production, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120506.

[10] Yiran Xhao; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Xian Xi; Qingru Sun; Meihui Jiang. The effect of the mined cobalt trade dependence Network's structure on trade price. Resources Policy, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101589.

[11] Sufang An; Xiangyun Gao; Siyao Liu; Qingru Sun; Naifei Jia. Dynamic volatility spillovers among bulk mineral commodities: A network method. Resources Policy, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101589.

[12] Shuyu Liu; Shupei Huang; Yuxi Chi; Sida Feng; Yang Li; Qingru Sun. Three-level network analysis of the North American natural gas price: A multiscale perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis. DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2019.101420.

[13] Xian Xi; Jinsheng Zhou; Xiangyun Gao; Donghui Liu; Huiling Zheng; Qingru Sun. Impact of changes in crude oil trade network patterns on national economy. Energy Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104490.

[14] Siyao Liu; Xiangyun Gao; Wei Fang; Qingru Sun; Sida Feng; Xueyong Liu; Sui Guo. Modeling the Complex Network of Multidimensional Information Time Series to Characterize the Volatility Pattern Evolution. IEEE access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2842069.

[15] Ze Wang; Xiangyun Gao; Haizhong An; Renwu Tang; Qingru Sun. Identifying influential energy stocks based on spillover network. International Review of Financial AnalysisDOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2018.11.004.

[16] Ze Wang; Xiangyun Gao; Renwu Tang; Xueyong Liu; Qingru Sun; Zhihua Chen. Identifying influential nodes based on fluctuation conduction network model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 514(2019):355-369.

[17] Yanxin Liu, Huajiao Li, Jianhe Guan, Xueyong Liu, Qing Guan, Qingru Sun. Influence of different factors on prices of upstream, middle and downstream products in China's whole steel industry chain: Based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System. Resources Policy, 60(2019):134-142.

[18] Sui Guo, Huajiao Li, Haizhong An, Qingru Sun, Xiaoqing Hao, Yanxin Liu. Steel product prices transmission activities in the midstream industrial chain and global markets. Resources Policy, 60(2019):56-71.

[19] Sida Feng, Shupei Huang, Yabin Qi, Xueyong Liu, Qingru Sun, Shaobo Wen. Network features of sector indexes spillover effects in China: A multi-scale view. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 496(2018):461-473.



[1] Host, 2020-2023, The Scientific Research Initiation Project for High-level Talents of Hebei University, funded by Hebei University.

[2] Research assistant, 2017-2018, The Impact of Industrial Structure Change on Embodied Flow and Carbon Emissions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, funded by Beijing Natural Science Foundation.

[3] Research assistant, 2017-2020, Research on the driving effect among industries under the background of regional development strategy: Based on the complex network perspective, funded by the Humanities and Social Sciences planning funds project under the Ministry of Education of the PRC.

[4] Research assistant, 2015-2016, Evaluation and policy suggestion on investment environment of oil and gas and natural gas hydrate in Arctic area, funded by Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey.



[1] [Oral presentation] Research on Stability Evolution of International Oil Trade Relationships, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, October 8-11, 2016, Beijing, China.

[2] [Oral presentation] Revisiting the dynamic response of commodities price level to crude oil price shocks, 2021 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance, April 24-24, 2021 Xiamen, China.


MAIN AWARDS AND PRIZES                                                                

[1] The First Prize Scholarship of Hebei University for 3 times, 2012-2014.

[2] The Second Prize in China National College Students Competition on Energy Economics, 2016.

[3] The Best Paper Award in the 5th Chinese Energy and Resource ‘6+2’ Economic Management BBS, 2016.

[4] Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 2020.
