Departments and Institutes

Regional Economic Research Institute

AddTime:2021-09-27  Views:

Regional Economic Research Institute

The Regional Economics Institute was established in 2004. It is a specialized institution engaged in regional economic theory research, teaching, and social services at Hebei University. It has a master's degree in regional economics and a doctoral degree in applied economics. The institute currently has 12 teachers. 6 of them are full time. Our faculty include 8 professors, 2 associate professors, 4 doctoral supervisor, 6 part-time mentors, 1 expert from the State Council special allowance, 1 staff member from the Hebei Provincial Government, 1 Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award winner, 1 middle-aged and young expert with outstanding contributions of Hebei Province, 3  “Hebei Three Three Three Talents Award” winners, 3 winners of Young Talent Award  in provincial colleges and universities. It, relying on the core faculties of the institute, has founded Hebei Collaborative Innovation Center for Baiyangdian Ecological Protection and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Sustainable Development,  Hebei Province Ecology and Environment Development Research Center (a new think tank), Hebei University Environmental Protection Research Center (Hebei Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base). In the past 5 years, we have undertaken 7 national social science funds (1 indexed in the social science library, 1 key project, and 4 general projects). We have won more than 20 provincial and ministerial projects, 3 first prizes and 2 second prizes. A number of research results have been approved by provincial and ministerial leaders and adopted by relevant departments. In 2019, the institute recruited more than 20 graduate students, and trained a group of outstanding talents for the society. Some of them have grown into core strengths.
